About the PhysChem Forum
We organise regular free-to-attend meetings with a focus on PhysChem in drug development. Our goal is to generate an environment for informed debate and discussion in a non-commercial setting with excellent networking opportunities. We are supported by many "BigPharma" and smaller pharmaceutical development companies through the input of the PhysChem organising committee. To join our exciting meetings please sign up to our e-mail list by dropping an e-mail to "info at physchem.org.uk"
Organising committee
Left to right: Stephen Buckley (NovoNordisk); Stephane Rodde (Novartis); Jonathan Burley (University of Nottingham); Antonio Llinas (AstraZeneca); Martin Will (Sanofi); Shenaz Bunally (GSK); Karl Box (Pion); Nikita King (Syngenta). Not in photo: Josep Huerta (Almiral); Linette Ruston (Seda Pharm Dev).